Survey - 2018

Survey - 2018

After signing a conditional contract on Marshall Law it was down to passing the sea trial and survey. Craig Smith the current owner, meet me, Geordie Mcnab (a new friend with long history in Auckland boat building and racing) the agent Steve Raea from Vining Marine and Ray Beale the surveyor in Gulf Harbour.

Ray tapped every square inch of the hull with his little hammer while we stood around talking. Craig stood and chatted away with me about the boat, even telling me about the strength of construction that he was sure was bullet proof after the time he hit an immovable object travelling at 7kts under sail. I looked toward the agent but he was looking at the ground and scuffing his foot on some imaginary thing wanting no doubt to kick Craig in the shin and tell him not to be so honest. I was however impressed by Craig’s honesty, many people would be hiding the truth only for you to find out later. I am glad Craig and I were seller and buyer as our honest resonated and sealed the deal.

After that Marshall was dropped back in the water and we went for a sail only to be sitting in 5kts of variable wind. Craig pointed out that the MH0 (Masthead Zero) would be sail and would get us up to 6kts boat speed however when we went to unfurl the sail we found that it had been put away damp and was stuck together by a little mould, a little embarrassing Craig but nothing a bit of drying and cleaning couldn’t fix.

Aside from the mould on the MH0 everything was in mint condition. The Survey came a week later confirming she was in great shape. Deal done!

MH0 with a little mould on it and in the light breeze she didn’t want to unfurl…

MH0 with a little mould on it and in the light breeze she didn’t want to unfurl…

Handover Sail - 2018

Handover Sail - 2018

Stag Party - 2018

Stag Party - 2018