Akarana 350 - 2018
350 NM endurance lesson. In short, Auckland, Tauranga, Poor Knights, Auckland.
Crew, Ben Acland (s) Ben Irving (wl), Dan Shand (mechanic), Jimmy Herlihy (life raft specialist), Jase Hancox (apprentice)
Course from Orakei, leaving Rangitoto Island to starboard, Channel Is. to starboard, Karewa Is Group to port, Poor Knights Group to port, Sail Rock to port, Finishing at Orakei.
First up we replace the Lewmar cabin top winches with self tailing Harken 46.2 (covered in this post LINK) so boys are happy not to need to get down the low side to trim. This was the cause of the chart plotter breakage as the non-tailing lewmar meant you had no hands free meant holding on with your knees…
15 yachts started Thursday 22 November at 1805. We started well and were passing the Mercury Island Group 0600 Friday morning with Gale Force and another yacht in sight. We rounded Karewa Is Group and even got to Great Barrier with the same group.
1st morning, 23rd 0600 still in touch with our similar rated competitors. Code Zero sails in use.
Then the big mistake, we stayed close to the Barrier (just to enjoy the view as we had never been there), and when we saw our competitors bear away and head toward the Hen and Chicks we thought we would continue North on a more direct line… Mokohinau Group it turns out has foul water, currents, and when we needed it the wind was not there… Next time, stay with the fleet, they know more than a bunch of South Island hacks.
Jase at the helm, Jimmy taking a break, Saturday 24th 09:50
Race results here. Our first longer format multiday race and we came last on PHRF…
Ran Tan II
Miss Scarlet
We finished Sunday 25th 11:16.
02 days: 17 hours: 10 min: 57sec
Debrief at Swash Bucklers complete. Crew from left to right Ben Acland, Ben Irving, Jimmy Herlihy, Dan Shand, Jase Hancox.
Favorite quote from Jase Hancox at debrief. “its wired, the harder it is, the more I enjoy it”